Sunday, December 26, 2010

december 24th, chris ends the year with yet another victory over bob,keith, and dale. keith was the only golfer threatning, however chris did what he does best, wins. the trophy and cigar is back on the mantle.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A match for the ages..........

Well, Sunday came and only two were up for a match....Chris and Bob.  What started off as a routine match turned into a round for the ages.  Like Nicklaus vs. Palmer, or Nicklaus vs. Watson, Hogan vs. Sneed, Norman vs Faldo, Tiger vs. YE Yang.

On the first hole, neither golfer need a second tee shot.  Two shots in the fairway...Chris had less than 200  yards in.  After a slight pull on his second shot, Chris ended up with a par.  Bob, about 20 yards off in 2, had a couple of crappy shots, but was in with a bogey.  Chris up by 1.

The par 3.  Bob hit a 6 iron onto the green, but far right left edge.  Chris found the bunker.  A two-putt by Bob, and the failure to get up and down by Chris tied the match.

#3, par 4:  Good tee shots by both.  Bob put his second ball in the water while Chris was solidly on the green within 20 feet.  A fourth shot by Bob to within a couple of feet and a one putt, and Bob was in with bogey.  A three putt by Chris...and the match remained tied.

#4, par 3:  Bob safely on the green, by about an inch.  The pin was back middle.  Chris yanked his ball so far right that it hit the pedestrian bridge but ricocheted towards the green, but well in front.  A shank, a poor chip, and a 2 putt, and Chris was in with triple.  A three putt and Bob was in with a bogey.  Bob up by 2.\

#5, par 5.  A group let us play through which destroyed our momentum.  Long story short...neither drive in trouble, but some left and right shots from there.  Chris a bogey, Bob a double.  Bob up by 1.

#6, par 4.  A wayward drive right by Bob.  A worm-burning hybrid by Chris was short.  Bob's second shot was a 5 wood from about 185, dead center of the green, about 12 feet from the pin.  Two putt par.  Chris's second shot was a good one, but his third one was within about 10 feet, and a 2 putt bogey and Bob was up by 2 again.

#7, par 4.  Chris was in the fairway after 1, about 130 out.  Bob went left, had no shot, and had to punch out to about 45 yards. Chris safely on in 2,  but missed his par putt just barely and was in with bogey.  Bob hit a chip right at the pin, a little short, but 2 putted for bogey.  Bob up by 2.

#8, par 5.  Chris a little right on the drive, Bob down the middle.  Second shot by Chris was a nice layup right at the 150 marker more or less.  Bob down the middle, but hit behind the ball and not much distance.  Chris was on the backside of the green in 3 and two putted for a par.  Bob was on in three as well, but three putted for a bogey.  Bob by 1.

#9, par 4.  Chris stayed out of the water...barely.  About 2 or 3 feet from going on.  His second shot, though was a beauty, pin high.  Bob went to the left, left of the bunkers, from about 175 out.  He had to flop the ball over the bunker to a front pin location with the green running away from the pin.  His flop ended up about 1 foot away from perfect, but fell back into the bunker.  A couple of shots later, a double.  Chris bogeyed.  Front nine complete, all tied up at +9 each.

#10, par 4.  Chris left, Bob right.  Neither could go for the green but each on in 3.  Chris two putted for bogey.  Bob three putted for double.  Chris up by 1.

#11, par 4.  Chris a little left and short.  Bob a little right and short.  Neither was on the green in 2, but both on in three and 2 putted.  Chris up by 1.

#12, par 3.  Bob was to the left, Chris was long.  Chris skulled his chip down below the hole.  Bob had to flop over the trap and hit a good shot.  A 2 putt bogey for Bob.  A 2 putt bogey for Chris and Chris up by 1.

#13, par 4.  Bob's ball went down the left side of the dogleg, only to hit a tree.  It took a lot off the ball.  Chris hit it through the fairway but wasn't in any real trouble.  The pin was way  back.   Chris's second shot was a beauty, right at the green.  Bob went right of the green and about 40 yards short.  His chip was a pretty good one and he 2 putted for bogey.  Chris 2 putted for a bogey.  Chris 1 up.

#14, par 5, Amen Corner.  Bob hit a HIGH TOWERING SHOT over the corner.  If he had hit that shot with his driver it would have cleared the trees.  As it was, it hit one of the last trees and came backwards.  Chris hit his shot perfectly and was in a position to go for it in 2 and possibly cement his lead for good.

Bob hit a nice second shot, to within about 155 yards and it stayed up in the fairway.  Chris blew his shot at least 50 yards into the woods on the left with a violent hook.  Bob's third shot was a yank way left, hit a tree, but luckily bounced right back to below the trap but in good shape.  Chris took a drop, hit his fourth shot onto the green.  A two putt gave him bogey.  Bob got up and down from below the trap for a par.  Match all square.

#15, par 4.  Amen Corner.  Bob hit a straight drive but down the left tree line.  Hit a tree.  Did not bounce out in the fairway.  Chris hit a 5 wood dead center of the fairway, followed by a shot pin high and about 10 feet away from a front pin location.  Bob found his ball and tried to punch it out.  It did not go as intended but ended up in the fairway.  A shot or two or three later, and Bob was in with an unlikely bogey.  Chris two putted for par.  Chris up by 1.

#16, par 5. Amen Corner.  Bob hit a drive that went straight, but on a line a little to the left.  It hit something and took a terrible bounce 90 degrees to the left.  It lodged between several small trees and he had to take an unplayable.  Chris pounded one down the middle, couldn't have placed it any better. Bob took a drop and hit a 3 wood to about 190, uphill sidehill lie to the right of the 150 marker.  Chris his a beautiful second shot, again as if he had placed it where he wanted it. 

The balance of the match hung on the next shot....if CBS had been filming it, Jim Nance would have been whispering incessantly about the shot Bob was going to try.  A 3 wood, from a sidehill uphill lie, over water and possibly onto the green.  It would be his 4th shot after the drop.  In the, set, match.  On the to fight another hole.  No choice.  Bob hit his 3 wood.  It was a high towering shot due to the uphill lie.  It stayed in the air forever...until it landed about 10 feet below the pin.  Boom goes the dynamite and Bob stays alive.  Chris hit a worm burner that CBS using instant replay is still trying to figure out how it actually cleared the railroad ties.  It was that low and that close to hitting them.  Bob and Chris both ended up with bogey...Chris up by one.

#17, par 3.  The hole that Chris built.  He has owned this hole, due to his hole in one.  But he hit his shot left and off the green.  Bob his a 6 iron that he thought was never going to get there, only to have it end up pin high.  A 2 putt par for Bob and a bogey for Chris....match all square.

#18, par 4.  Anyone who knows anything about anything knows Chris has owned 18 with his drive.  He has been killing it a mile and usually right in the fairway.  Bob teed off first, and hit a straight drive...not terrible far, but ended up about 175 out.  Chris piped one through the fairway and across the cartpath, but not too far. On closer examination, a tree precluded a straight shot to the green, but Chris had a shot to the right side of the hole, but to get it on or near the green, he needed to work it right to left.  He took a good swing at it but either didn't start far enough right, or hooked it took much to the left and it just clipped a limb.  It still traveled a good distance but to the front left of the green.  Bob hit a 5 wood right at the hole and it moved a little right or it would have gone in on the fly!  Not really, but it was a good looking shot to about 15 feet.  Chris chipped up and had about a 12 footer for par.  Bob went first for the birdie putt and the outright win, and ...left it short.  Chris had his 12 footer to insure a tie and just missed it below the hole.  Bob's par putt found the cup, and Bob wins by 1, with a 90! 

It was back and forth all day with neither person getting more than 2 behind and that was for only a couple of holes on the front.  Otherwise, it was a one shot lead or a tie almost the whole day until 18.  And Bob wins his first outright victory in probably 2 months...or more.

Monday, December 13, 2010