Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Keith shoots record low front 9, retains the Cigar for two weeks.

Despite having not competed for the Cigar in several weeks, Keith went out and blistered the front 9 at Linrick, shooting a 4 over 41.  Bob finished the front 9 nine shots back, with Chris 10 shots back.  Dale was in the hunt as well...the hunt for 2nd place anyway.  The back 9 tightened up a little bit, despite the fact Keith was still  hitting good shots, but no one was able to give him a real chase for the title. 

Chris was done in the front 9 when he found out the Colts were losing to the Texans, and his visions of swimming in money went up in smoke.  Bob was done in by sand traps.  Every damn one of them--he found 3 on the first 3 holes and ballooned to 8 over with 6 holes to play.  Though he did play the next 6 holes in 5 over, that was no match for Keith.

The Cigar is going out of town for a week, so Keith will retain for yet another 2 weeks.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Predictions by Chris.....

This week, Chris has predicted he will win by 7 and regain the Cigar.  While it's possible he will win by 7, what is unlikely are his predicted scores.  They are:

Chris 79
Bob 86
Keith 89
Dale 108. 

If he accurately predicts all 4 scores, the Blog will buy him a ribeye sandwich at Fuddruckers.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No Cigar match over Labor Day, but .............

With the previous champion Keith out of town, the Cigar was not on the line.  However, that being said, a Saturday  match was held, with Bob winning the match after making a furious comeback to nip Chris by 1 shot. 

Sunday was payback as Chris won by 9 shots.  Bob's putter completely disappeared...actually it never showed up.  Dale made a strong showing on the first 7 holes, only to fall apart at the end of the front nine, which unfortunately carried over into the back 9. 

Monday was the grudge match.  Tied 1-1, the match came down to #17 really.  Trailing by 2, Bob ended with a bogey and Chris made par, to stretch the lead to an insurmountable 3 shot lead with 1 to play.  Either party could have really put the match away on #16, but triples failed to separate the field.

Interestingly, new strategies for playing the holes developed.  Chris has taken to (successfully) using his hybrid off the tee on #5, #9,and  #10.  Bob hit 5 wood on #15 and #16 (though #16 was a second shot just messing around after a tee shot into the right woods.)  Watch out for play on Sunday--it could prove interesting.