Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No Cigar match over Labor Day, but .............

With the previous champion Keith out of town, the Cigar was not on the line.  However, that being said, a Saturday  match was held, with Bob winning the match after making a furious comeback to nip Chris by 1 shot. 

Sunday was payback as Chris won by 9 shots.  Bob's putter completely disappeared...actually it never showed up.  Dale made a strong showing on the first 7 holes, only to fall apart at the end of the front nine, which unfortunately carried over into the back 9. 

Monday was the grudge match.  Tied 1-1, the match came down to #17 really.  Trailing by 2, Bob ended with a bogey and Chris made par, to stretch the lead to an insurmountable 3 shot lead with 1 to play.  Either party could have really put the match away on #16, but triples failed to separate the field.

Interestingly, new strategies for playing the holes developed.  Chris has taken to (successfully) using his hybrid off the tee on #5, #9,and  #10.  Bob hit 5 wood on #15 and #16 (though #16 was a second shot just messing around after a tee shot into the right woods.)  Watch out for play on Sunday--it could prove interesting.

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