Saturday, August 7, 2010


Word on the street is that the weather for Sunday is going to be fine-fine enough for a cigar match. 

Questions that readers want answered this week:

1.  Will Dale continue to hit the ball straighter than ever with his new grip?  Is this the week Dale becomes a force? 

2.  Will Keith finally put together another one of those elusive" +3 on the front 9 rounds" we heard about but I have still yet to witness?  He was on course last week to do it with a mid-round run of pars, #10 did him in--

3.  Which Tiger Woods....I mean Chris Tudor....will show up this week--the one who sleeps with cocktail waitresses and shoots subpar rounds and talked smack about no one having a greater than 1% chance to win or the one that got caught with porn stars and lingerie models and shoots 100+.  Actually, Chris would probably love to sleep with a porn star and lingerie model and would gladly shoot a 100 in exchange, so maybe that analogy doesn't quite work.

NOW IS THE TIME to make your predictions.  I am going to wait a couple of hours before throwing mine out there, but the floor is now open for debate.

1 comment:

  1. Chris has asked me to post his prediction because his home computer somehow caught a virus.

    Keith............ 86
    Bob.............. 89
    Dale............. 99
    Tudor............ 81
